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Weight & Prediction

Curriculum Area: (Science) Scientific Inquiry

Self: Observation and Investigation

Activity: weighing and prediction activity

Ages of Children and Group Size: 4-5 years/6-7 ratio




  • What are my goals on this identified activity?  

My goals in my activity is to teach the children to make a prediction and the concepts of weight differences


b. Preschool Learning Foundations (PLF)

1.1 Demonstrate curiosity and raise simple questions about objects and events in their environment. 1.2 Observe objects and events in the environment and describe them.




a. What materials are needed?  

            The materials needed are:

            1 poster board

            1 ping pong ball

            1 mini wiffle ball

            1 10 color paint pack

            1 sharpie marker


b. How will I set up and organize the materials for maximum efficiency and 


I will have the poster already set up and have the children raise their hand to predict whether which ball will go faster or slower on the ball drop. Afterwards I will make a score on the board to see who are right or wrong.




a. How will I introduce this activity to the children? (Connect to children’s prior Learning or experience)

            I will show explain with enthusiasm and demonstrate so they know that to do and I will ask for volunteers.

b. How will I involve the children?

            I will have them participate with raising their hands.

c. What open-ended questions to ask to increase learning? 

            Which on will you think will go faster?

            Why do you think it will go faster?

d. How will you accommodate the activity for diverse learners…..delays, typical, extension and ELL?

I will be patient and give them time to answer my question and give help when help is needed.




How will you document or assess that the children learned the identified concepts.

  • Identify DRDP objectives that correspond to the PLF. 

          Cause and effect, curiosity and initiative.


Take Home Kit:


  • Related book










Parent Letter


Dear parent or guardian,


   In class this week your child is learning the concept of prediction. I and my colleagues have created a ball drop wall for the other classes and your child’s class as well to observe and interact with the wall and get the concept of prediction. I had them use two balls. One was a ping pong ball and the other was a smaller version of an orange woofer ball. Then I had them predict which one would go faster on the wall that we created. Most of the students replied to the orange ball because they believed it would go faster from the holes through the ball. Unfortunately, their prediction didn’t go so well. The most frequent one that landed in the bucket was the white ping pong ball. That taught them that predicting something may or may not come out with the right answer but they would learn from and analyze the project more to get the correct one. In the next week to come we will be using the same wall but instead of prediction they will be learning the concept of patterning.



Danielle Saldana (Miss Danielle)

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